We are the diamond cabin of the sky; A young but experienced and motivated team gathered together with a common goal, our goal is to grow and develop the beautification and improvement services of the country’s air fleet, relying on more than a decade of executive experience in the aviation industry. We started our unofficial activity in 2015. Later, in 2017, we officially entered the field of cabin and fuselage services. In 2019, we succeeded in obtaining a license from the Civil Aviation Organization as the first private company providing cabin and fuselage services, and we are located at the flight ramp of Mehrabad Airport. Our activity is focused on the renovation, beautification and improvement of the cabin and body of the air fleet of domestic airlines. The result of more than a decade of continuous activity for us, the acquisition of valuable reserves from the experience of working with the largest domestic airlines including Ata, Asman, Asajet, Pars, Zagros, Taban, Sepahran, Saha, Saman Air Services, Fly Persia, Qeshm, Kish. , Karun, Mahan and Meraj. Also, providing services on government planes and specifically presidential and cabinet planes is one of the most important achievements of this company.
Important points in the basic cleaning of the airplane cabin

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